Monday, July 13, 2009

August 19th 2011 to May 16th 2014

Here is my new list. Obviously, some things on here may change and you can even see at the end, that I left 4 goals blank to be added at later dates.

But, for now, this is my next list!

1. Get internet for laptop
2. switch banks
3. Buy north face jacket
4. buy joes crab shack shirt
5. buy salty dog cafe shirt
6. buy new boots
7. get a massage
8. continue to save fortune cookie fortunes
9. go to the obseveratory
10. get new phone in 2013
11. go camping
12. pay off credit card every month
13. go see a magic show
14. buy proper baking items (mixer etc)
15. read one new book a month
16. get a library card if not in {hometown}(i.e. If i move out of my current hometown)
17. visit library twice a month
18. tye dye
19. go to another state i haven't been in
20. rent a limo for 25th bday (2012)
21. have a job that deals w/ degree
22. move out of house
23. go tanning once
24. work on school loan
25. go see a comedy show
26. go to the melting pot
27. buy a good curling iron/straightener

  • I decided to switch out this goal with a goal from the previous list. So I am putting "get a tattoo" on this list.

28. save $5000
29. do locks of love twice (I am hoping that i will have 10 inches at least by august 19th and then i will grow it out and cut it on the last day)
30. have a yes man day
31. get a mani
32. meet an author
33. meet a famous person
34. buy a tea maker
35. leave country
36. join a team
37. learn a new language
38. go to the rainforest cafe
39. make a pair of earrings
40. go black friday shopping
41. do a march of dimes (or something like that)
42. buy louis voulton
43. buy a new ipod
44. figure out blood type
45. go to a museum once a year
46. finish 1001 soduku puzzles
47. make a pizza
48. Have a BBQ/ Summer party
49. go on a picnic
50. Go see a sporting event (tennis? football? baseball?)

51. Use my candles
52. Get a reading chair
53. Buy something off of the TV
54. go to an outlet mall
55. make 1 regular youtube video a week, plus 1 cooking one a month and one book one a month
56. wear SPF 15 sunscreen daily
57. buy a wii and a wii fit
58. computer cam
59. see an episode of snl live
60. send out 5 postcards a month (postcrossing)
61. go to a "taste of..." (chicago, cincinnati?)
62. go to 5 new/different restaurants
63. do a day in the life (DITL) every year
64. buy the all edges brownie pan
65. learn sign language
66. catch a rainbow on camera
67. be vegetarian for a week
68. get another tattoo
69. Watch all of AFI's 100 best movies of all time
70. Go back to NYC
71. Find a way to have my journals safe in the event of a fire (or other disaster)
72. learn to swim properly
73. go somewhere that is really haunted
74. go to a castle
75. spend an afternoon in a used bookstore
76. go to a new zoo, one i haven't been to before
77. have a dinner party
78. buy a betsey johnson dress
79. go to 5 different types of churches
80. Finish items from my old list that I didn't do
81. finish 2 26 things photography project
82. see a postsecret exhibit
83. visit a place on the 1001 places to go before you die book
84. listen to a album on the 1001 albums to listen to before you die
85. eat a food on the 1001 foods to eat before you die book
86. see 1 of the seven natural wonders on the world
87. keep a food journal for a month
88. buy jeans over $20
89. have a pizza party where everyone makes their own pizza!
90. buy a real purse (couch etc)
91. find my sig. scent
92. Do Mo13 [multiples of 13: 13 pushups, 13 bridges, 26 leg-lifts on each leg, 39 squats, and 52 stomach crunches] daily for 1 year
93. read 33 books from the 1001 books you have to read book (1 a month)94. figure out my "emergency fund" amount and save up to 6 months worth
95. meditate daily
96. Be a big sister?
97. Make a new list
98. TBA in 2011
99. TBA in 2012
100. TBA in 2013
101. TBA in 2014

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Crossed Off Goals

I used to host my 101 in 1001 progress on livejournal. But because I currently have a blog already on blogger (for my cooking), I decided to just move everything over.

As such, this entry will tell you which goals I have already crossed off.

Goal 5- I have a huge list (in paper form and on Amazon) saying which books and movies I wish to own. Usually every 2 weeks, I buy 2 or 3. But I am worried that I will not finish it! I have over 100 books and almost 150 movies. That's a lot!

Goal 6- I have decided that for my first tattoo, I will have the quote by Audrey Hepburn done- "Pick the day. Enjoy it - to the hilt". The phrase "to the hilt" means fully and completely. I hope to live my life by that code.

Goal 8- I am currently in the middle of doing not 1 but 2 Project 365s. One is Self Portraits and the other is non SPs. I have another blog dealing with that! (Although, I rarely update it. Perhaps this week, I will get to it.)

Goal 10- My old cell phone broke, so I got a new one in April! Halfway done with this one!

Goal 11- I sent a postcard last year and I have had ideas, but haven't sent one yet this year.

Goal 12- Like buying books/movies every pay day, I print off pictures every pay day. I don't like that fact that with digital pictures, it is so easy to just let them set on the computer. Pictures were meant to be seen!

Goal 14- Recently completed! I will have to take a picture and share.

Goal 19- My manager and I decided to quit drinking pop back in January. While she quit (aka started drinking pop again), I am still going strong. (Expect for the occasional Rum and Coke and for trying pop at work ( I work fast food and we have to try pop sometimes, if a customer complains.))

Goal 36- I had my hair permed for my birthday!

Before and After

Goals 41 to 43- My "eating" goals. I went to the Cheesecake Factory for my birthday (Feb. 21!). I went to Red Lobester for my friend's birthday. And I went to Chipolte just because.

Goal 52- I finally decided on correct frames for my eyeglasses, back in April. I have yet to decide on sunglasses.

Goal 53- I am going to see Def Leppard, Cheap Trick and Poison this Wednesday! I am beyond excited!

Goal 61- I am on book 15.

Goal 63- Last December I went to NYC/Times Square for New Year's Eve. When I got back, a group of friends and I went to a bar/bowling alley. In the bar, they had karaoke. So I did it. And I sang "Breakfast at Tiffany's"

Goal 69- Bought new speakers for my birthday party.

Goal 73- I recently finished my next list. The dates for that one are August 19th 2011 to May 16th 2014

Goal 81- Finished! As you might be able to tell, I love Audrey Hepburn :)

Goal 82- Currently a work in progress. I plan to have it finished by December.

Goal 89- I have my sketchbook and am working on finishing it.

Goal 90- Finished and it's in use! Come visit me!

Goal 91- Finished! They ended up paying for everything (the state) because of my income bracket.

Goal 92- I want to be in Australia for my 30th birthday. So...February of 2017. Less than 8 more years.

Goal 94- October 2008 to February 2009 is finished!

That's it! A lot of my goals in works in progress, but I am pleased to have finished some things.

The List

Goal One: Lose enough weight to be 120 pounds and not go over 135 pounds
Goal Two: Save $2500
Goal Three: Finish college
Goal Four: Get my license
Goal Five: Purchase (or decide not to purchase) books and movies from my list I keep a running list of movies/books I want to buy. I counted it last night and I’m at 92 books and 142 movies
Goal Six: Get a tattoo (once I lose weight)
Goal Seven: Either get my ears pierced again OR once I lose weight have my belly button pierced
Goal Eight: Do the 365 pictures challenge
Goal Nine: Work out for 30 minutes a day, 3 days a week for 2 months
Goal Ten: Obtain a new phone in July of 2009 and then one is July 2011
Goal Eleven: Send a postcard to Postsecret once a year
Goal Twelve: Stay on top of getting my pictures printed off and put them away
Goal Thirteen: Get my puzzles framed, plus 2 posters
Goal Fourteen: Buy a new Audrey Hepburn poster
Goal Fifteen: Write a novel
Goal Sixteen: Clean out my closet
Goal Seventeen: Donate money to Animal Shelter
Goal Eighteen: Volunteer on a regular basis (in person)
Goal Ninteen: Stop drinking pop
Goal Twenty: Donate old clothes
Goal Twenty-One: Finish my recipe book, complete with pictures
Goal Twenty-Two: Try 10 new recipes and add to said book
Goal Twenty-Three: A-Z Author Challenge
Goal Twenty-Four: Finish watching movies from Bravo’s 100 Scariest Movie Moments list
Goal Twenty-Five: Finish watching movies from Bravo’s 30 Even More Scarier Movie Moments list
Goal Twenty-Six: Fill either 10 journals before buying a new one
Goal Twenty-Seven: Purge stuffed animals, but keep some to pass on to my kids
Goal Twenty-Eight: Have an amazing birthday party for the final year in this
Goal Twenty-Nine: Review 15 books on
Goal Thirty: Have 3 pictures I’ve taken and print them/frame them
Goal Thirty-One: Buy an ice cream make and use it
Goal Thirty-Two: Buy a nice winter coat, but at an after winter sale
Goal Thirty-Three: Buy a nice piece of jewelery for myself
Goal Thirty-Four: Go horseback riding again
Goal Thirty-Five: buy a GPS system
Goal Thirty-Six: Perm my hair
Goal Thirty-Seven: Buy a new battery for my laptop
Goal Thirty-Eight: Sell or donate college books I don’t need
Goal Thirty-Nine: Finish my scrapbook in a box (of pets)
Goal Forty: Scrapbook Lucy’s frst year (May 2008-May 2009)
Goal Forty-One: Eat at Red Lobster
Goal Forty-Two: Eat at Cheesecake Factory
Goal Forty-Three: Eat at Chipolte
Goal Forty-Four: Learn to Whistle
Goal Forty-Five: Learn to Jump Rope
Goal Forty-Six: Learn to wink
Goal Forty-Seven: Catalog my movies
Goal Forty-Eight: Go on a vacation by myself once I graduate
Goal Forty-Nine: Donate a toy for a child at Christmas time
Goal Fifty: Do a paint by numbers
Goal Fifty-One: Get rid of Kohl’s debt
Goal Fifty-Two: Get new glasses and sunglasses and in 2 years, get eyes rechecked
Goal Fifty-Three: Go to a concert
Goal Fifty-Four: Learn to ride a bike
Goal Fifty-Five: Purchase and use makeup, once a week
Goal Fifty-Six: Buy a waffle maker
Goal Fifty-Seven: Try 10 new types of tea
Goal Fifty-Eight: Make Holiday cards for 2009
Goal Fifty-Nine: Volunteer (from home)
Goal Sixty: Sell a picture I’ve taken
Goal Sixty-One: 50 Book Challenge
Goal Sixty-Two: Paint my white bookcase to look like wood, complete with the wood markings
Goal Sixty-Three: Karaoke
Goal Sixty-Four: Build my 3D penguin puzzle and frame it
Goal Sixty-Five: Find books I own and no longer want and “release” them via bookcrossing
Goal Sixty-Six: NOT buy something penguin-related
Goal Sixty-Seven: Go 1 month without fast food (including Arby’s)
Goal Sixty-Eight: Do the detox diet
Goal Sixty-Nine: Buy new iPod speakers
Goal Seventy: Properly balance checkbook
Goal Seventy-One: Send a care package to a solider in Iraq
Goal Seventy-Two: Pay for someone elses bill behind me in fast food drive thru
Goal Seventy-Three: Make a new list when this one is finished
Goal Seventy-Four: Go to a state I’ve never been to before
Goal Seventy-Five: Go bowling
Goal Seventy-Six: Buy an bra/panties set
Goal Seventy-Seven: Buy a Victoria Secret bra
Goal Seventy-Eight: Grow something
Goal Seventy-Nine: Review 10 movies on
Goal: Eighty: Buy a t-shirt from
Goal Eighty-One: Buy glass for Audrey Hepburn picture Jordan gave me
Goal Eighty-Two: Really scrapbook upcoming NYC vacation (not online scrapbook)Goal Eighty-Three: Buy Michigan scapbook
Goal Eighty-Four: Photograph penguin collection 43things goal
Goal Eighty-Five: Finish 43 sunsets goal
Goal Eighty-Six: See a sunrise
Goal Eighty-Seven: Be in bed by midnight for 1 week
Goal Eighty-Eight: Buy a little black dress (once weight is down)
Goal Eighty-Nine: Buy a sketchbook and use it
Goal Ninety: Start a blog fro recipes
Goal Ninety-One: Set a payment schdule for hospital bill and work on getting it down
Goal Ninety-Two: Build plan/budget to get myself to Australia
Goal Ninety-Three: Organize books
Goal Ninety-Four: Make real hot chocolate once a month from October to Feb. like the knd you make on the stove, not the packets
Goal Ninety-Five: Try Nair, because I hate shaving
Goal Ninety-Six: Buy a bathing suit/dare I say…bikini (once weight is down/gone)
Goal Niney-Seven: Get a tea kettle
Goal Ninety-Eight: Weather permitting, walk Oscar once a week
Goal Ninety-Nine: Try out for a play something I regret I never did in high school…
Goal One Hundred : Make my feet look normalthe bottoms are all cracked and always dry
Goal One Hundred & One: Listen to Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon and watch Wizard of Oz at the same time (this act is collectively known as “Dark Side of the Rainbow”)
Start Date: November 20th, 2008
End Date: August 18th, 2011