Friday, November 12, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Let's Get Serious Here For A Minute...
Due to unforeseen events, I do not believe I will be able to cross this goal off within a year
Goal Six: Get a tattoo (once I lose weight)
Due to unforeseen setbacks, I can't say that I will graduate within a year, so I will be unable to finish this goal
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Goals Finished In August
So these are the goals that I finished in August.
This is probably one of the hardest goals I have on the list, because of the "including Arby's" part. (For those of you that don't know, Arby's is where I work. And it's fast food. I tend to eat there on my days working). Which is why I didn't want to talk about it, in case I "failed". But for the entire month of August I did not eat fast food, not once!
Goals In Progress: 14
Monday, August 30, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Updated Movie List- Counted
14 movies left on 30 list.
86 movies left on AFI's 100 best movies of all time
Monday, August 9, 2010
Goals To Tackle In August
-Clean out my closet. I have been working on cleaning out my set of dressers and now I will tackle the closet. I figured it's good to do so now in prep for the upcoming fall/winter season.
-Buy a nice piece of jewelry for myself. I have a few pieces picked out that I love. I just need to narrow it down!
-Get sunglasses. I misplaced my eye perscription, so I need to get my eyes checked again. I hope to do that this month. After that, I am going to finally! purchase sunglasses!
-Finish my scrapbook box (of pets), scrapbook Lucy's first year, NYC scrapbook. While I don't think I will be able to finish all of these scrapbooking list items, I do hope to finish the box, get started on Lucy's and finish the first half of the NYC one.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Recently Completed Goals
So since June is almost over (and I don't think I will be finishing anymore in the next couple of days), I am just doing a combined post for now.
Goal Ninety-Three: Organize books
Goal Thirty-Three: Buy a nice piece of jewelery for myself: I have plans to do this next month
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
April 101 Update
But progress!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
March 101 Update
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
The List (To Be Edited Entry)
Goal One: Lose enough weight to be 120 pounds and not go over 135 pounds
Goal Four: Get my license
Goal Three: Finish college
Due to unforeseen events, I do not believe I will be able to cross this goal off within a year.
Goal Five: Purchase (or decide not to purchase) books and movies from my list I keep a running list of movies/books I want to buy.
Goal Seven: Either get my ears pierced again OR once I lose weight have my belly button pierced
Goal Six: Get a tattoo (once I lose weight)
Goal 6 Edited: buy a good curling iron/straightener
I decided to switch out the tattoo goal and a goal from the next list. I will be getting a tattoo for a "I moved out of my house" gift to myself.
Goal Eight: Do the 365 pictures challenge (2009)
Goal Nine: Work out for 30 minutes a day, 3 days a week for 2 months
Goal Ten: Obtain a new phone in July of 2009 and then one is July 2011
Goal Eleven: Send a postcard to Postsecret once a year
Goal Twelve: Stay on top of getting my pictures printed off and put them away
Goal Thirteen: Get my puzzles framed, plus 2 posters
Since I have no where to hang the posters/puzzles, I really don't see a point in having them framed yet. So I'm crossing this off.
Goal Fourteen: Buy a new Audrey Hepburn posterGoal Fifteen: Write a novel
Goal Sixteen: Clean out my closet
Goal Seventeen: Donate money to the Animal Shelter
Goal Eighteen: Volunteer on a regular basis (in person)
Goal Ninteen: Stop drinking pop
Goal Twenty: Donate old clothes
Goal Twenty-One: Finish my recipe book, complete with pictures
Goal Twenty-Two: Try 10 new recipes and add to said book
Goal Twenty-Three: A-Z Author Challenge
Goal Twenty-Four: Finish watching movies from Bravo’s 100 Scariest Movie Moments list
Goal Twenty-Five: Finish watching movies from Bravo’s 30 Even More Scarier Movie Moments list
Goal Twenty-Six: Fill either 10 journals before buying a new one
Goal Twenty-Seven: Purge stuffed animals, but keep some to pass on to my kids
Goal Twenty-Eight: Have an amazing birthday party for the final year in this
Goal Twenty-Nine: Review 15 books on
Goal Thirty: Have 3 pictures I’ve taken and print them/frame them
Goal Thirty-One: Buy an ice cream maker and use it
I don't need this goal anymore. The reason why I put it on this list was because I wanted to make homemade ice cream. I found a recipe where I don't need to have an ice cream maker! Score.
Goal Thirty-Two: Buy a nice winter coat, but at an after winter sale
Goal Thirty-Three: Buy a nice piece of jewelery for myself
Goal Thirty-Four: Go horseback riding again
Goal Thirty-Five: buy a GPS system
Goal Thirty-Six: Perm my hair
Goal Thirty-Seven: Buy a new battery for my laptop
Goal Thirty-Eight: Sell or donate college books I don’t need
Goal Thirty-Nine: Finish my scrapbook in a box (of pets)
Goal Forty: Scrapbook Lucy’s frst year (May 2008-May 2009)
Goal Forty-One: Eat at Red Lobster
Goal Forty-Two: Eat at Cheesecake Factory
Goal Forty-Three: Eat at Chipolte
Goal Forty-Four: Learn to Whistle
Goal Forty-Five: Learn to Jump Rope
Goal Forty-Six: Learn to wink
Goal Forty-Seven: Catalog my movies
Goal Forty-Eight: Go on a vacation by myself once I graduate
Due to unforeseen setbacks, I can't say that I will graduate within a year, so I will be unable to finish this goal.
Goal Forty-Nine: Donate a toy for a child at Christmas time
Goal Fifty: Do a paint by numbers
Goal Fifty-One: Get rid of Kohl’s debt
Goal Fifty-Two: Get new glasses and sunglasses and in 2 years, get eyes rechecked
Goal Fifty-Three: Go to a concert
Goal Fifty-Four: Learn to ride a bike
Goal Fifty-Five: Purchase and use makeup, once a week
Goal Fifty-Six: Buy a waffle maker
Goal Fifty-Seven: Try 10 new types of tea
Goal Fifty-Eight: Make Holiday cards for 2009
Goal Fifty-Nine: Volunteer (from home)
Goal Sixty: Sell a picture I’ve taken
Goal Sixty-One: 50 Book Challenge
Goal Sixty-Two: Paint my white bookcase to look like wood, complete with the wood markings
Goal Sixty-Three: Karaoke
Goal Sixty-Four: Build my 3D penguin puzzle and frame it
Goal Sixty-Five: Find books I own and no longer want and “release” them via bookcrossing
Goal Sixty-Six: NOT buy something penguin-related
Goal Sixty-Seven: Go 1 month without fast food (including Arby’s)
Goal Sixty-Eight: Do the detox diet
After more research, I realized that "detox diets" are not healthy at all. I will just try to not eat fast food/junk food, which was the purpose of this goal. Eventually, if I don't eat it that often for a long time in a row, my body will detox itself.
Goal Sixty-Nine: Buy new iPod speakersGoal Seventy: Properly balance checkbook
Goal Seventy-One: Send a care package to a solider in Iraq
Goal Seventy-Two: Pay for someone elses bill behind me in fast food drive thru
Goal Seventy-Three: Make a new list when this one is finished
Goal Seventy-Four: Go to a state I’ve never been to before
Goal Seventy-Five: Go bowling
Goal Seventy-Six: Buy an bra/panties set
Goal Seventy-Seven: Buy a Victoria Secret bra
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Sunday, February 28, 2010
February 101 Update
But since this is the first time I'm doing this entry, I will just add all the goals I've finished.
(7) Goal Forty-Two: Eat at Cheesecake Factory
(8) Goal Forty-Three: Eat at Chipolte
(19) Goal Ninety-One: Set a payment schdule for hospital bill and work on getting it down
(28) Goal Twenty-Three: A-Z Author Challenge
(29) Goal Twenty-Four: Finish watching movies from Bravo’s 100 Scariest Movie Moments list
(30) Goal Twenty-Five: Finish watching movies from Bravo’s 30 Even More Scarier Movie Moments list
(35) Goal Seventy: Properly balance checkbook
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Right now I'm watching Dracula. :)
EDIT 2-12-10 Now Watching: The Cat People
On a movie unrelated note, I bought and recieved my Michigan scrapbook the other day. Looks great!