Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Goal 3: Finishing College and Being "INDEPNDANT"

After I finished high school, I went to a college near my hometown called Miami University (in Ohio, not to be confused with the one in Flordia).

At first, I enjoyed my time there. However, as I continued on in gaining my diploma in Zoology, hoping to fullfill my dreams of working in a zoo and eventually being able to travel around the world, studying animals in their natural environment, I found that Miami and I were not quite the best fit as I hoped. As such, I began to hate my classes and eventually, due to this hatred and risiing costs of already one of Ohio's most expensives public colleges, I did not finish my college education as planned in the spring of 2009.

It is now the spring of 2011 and I am now 24. Once one reaches the age of 24, the FAFSA declares that you are "INDEPENDANT" and you do not have to use your parents financial tax information to determine how much money government will give you to help you pay for college. This was also one of the other problems I found that I ran into. Miami was a very expensive school and based on what my parents made, I did not earn a lot of help.

But now I'm "INDEPENDANT" and I am still a poor young adult. I will recieve more money from the governmnet because I don't have a lot of money to begin with.

So today, I journeyed a few miles north of my hometown with my sister and I am following her on one of her days at her college of choice. One that doesn't cost quite as much. As a "DEPENDANT" student, her first year was completely paid for, and then some.

So far, I think that this college and I are going to get along quite nicely. We will see come next fall.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Goals to Tackle (Final Days of April/May Edition)

This is the few goals I will be tackling and hoping to accomplish by the end of May.

  1. Goal 15: Write a novel.
    I will not be writing a full blown novel. But what I have in mind is longer than a short story, a few chapters at least long. Novella? Is that the word I'm looking for? At any rate, I do have an idea of what I want to write. A basic plot line.

  2. Goal 34: Go horseback riding again.
    I'm not sure if I will actually be able to finish this one. I have only been horseback riding once and have always wanted to go again. So during the last days of April/first days of May, I will be putting myself in full force to find a place to go horseback riding. The only areas I have found so far offer horseback riding lessons, but no trail riding. So if I can't find a place by May 31st, I'm marking it done.

  3. Goal 39: Finish my scrapbook in a box (of pets).
    I'm pretty sure this one is like 90% done. I probably just need to do some journaling. This will be the first goal I tackle on this mini-list.

  4. Goal 82: NYC scrapbook.
    I purchased some more scrapbook supplies, but I have now misplaced a few pictures. So I will be ordering those again, because I just can not find them anywhere at all. Once they come in, I'll be going full force. I only have 2 actual days from the vacation to scrapbook. New Year's Eve day and New Year's Eve night (actually in Times Square!). The Times Square portion will be done in black and white. Squee!